He came to us named "Jett" but I hated that name. He wasn't around long enough to give him a new name. We started calling for Hoover and "Not Hoover." So he got the temporary monicker of Not Hoover.
I use the goofy picture on top as a photo id on the la la cd trading website. Caught him right in the middle of shaking his head.
All fosters are required to get their pictures taken with Hoover. Sometimes this is a challenge but Tonto sat patiently for all his photos. He seems to be very calm and puts up with a lot. click on image for larger picture
Tonto is a pretty Yellow Labrador Retriever boy who we met last Sunday. He also met his new family on Sunday and was adopted on Monday. He has a wonderful new home in Bay Hill. click on image for larger picture
Update: Clifford, now known as Wilson, was adopted by a wonderful couple. A few days after they took him into their house we completed his foster care by taking him into the eye doctor. It seems his clumsiness was caused by a rapidly deteriorating eye condition. Our buddy is going blind and has about a year of sight left. His new owners could have rightfully returned him but have chosen to love him and keep him.
We certainly understand. He is big, goofy and lovable and forever in our hearts even if he always insisted on stealing Hoovers bone.
Here is Clifford a Fox Red Labrador. Clifford came to rescue pretty malnourished and way too skinny. After a few weeks of puppy chow and love he is recovering nicely.
He came to us from heartworm treatment and is very gentle and sweet. He got along with Hoover just great, although by this time Hoover kind of ignores the fosters.
After a few days of trying to get Hoover to play the two of them chased each other around the house until Rhett got tired.